I have over 11 years of teaching and experience in the further education sector specialising in Politics, Geography, Sociology, Economics, Business Studies and Religious Studies. I enjoy creating educational resources that boost students understanding and confidence. I am an established TES author with many new exciting resources in the pipeline. I offer a range of resources for A Level.
I have over 11 years of teaching and experience in the further education sector specialising in Politics, Geography, Sociology, Economics, Business Studies and Religious Studies. I enjoy creating educational resources that boost students understanding and confidence. I am an established TES author with many new exciting resources in the pipeline. I offer a range of resources for A Level.
A Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: Welsh Assembly Overview, Areas of (Semi) Devolved Powers, the Welsh Assembly: the Early Days, the First Minister of Wales, Secondary Legislative Powers, the Welsh Assembly: Elections, The Welsh Executive: Formations, the Richard Commission 2004, Greater Powers for the Welsh Assembly, 2011: Referendum to ‘unlock’ Powers, What has the Assembly done? Public Health Agenda, An Apathetic Population? Why Low Turnout?Attributions of Responsibilities, the State of the Parties, Labour: What’s in a Name? Welsh Labour Party, 2007 Election, 2011 Election, 2016 Election, Welsh Conservatives, Liberal Democrats, Plaid Cymru, UKIP and Constitutional Preferences 2012.
A Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: Views on the Scottish Parliament, Views of the Scottish Parliament and Devolution, the Scotland Act 1998, Division of Responsibilities (Schedule 5 of Scotland Act 1998), West Lothian Problem’ Not Addressed, the Scottish Parliament, First Minister, and Executive, First Ministers, Principles Upon which the Scottish Parliament was Supposed to be Based, Implementation of Principles, The Critique of the Application of the Democratic Parliamentary Principles, Electing the Scottish Parliament: the Additional Member System, Disadvantages of the Additional Member System, The current Scottish Parliament 2011, Election Results and Proportionality, Legislation Passed by the Scottish Parliament, Problems Post-Devolution, Revenue & Tax-Raising Power, Scottish Economic Power, Calman Commission 2009, ‘Serving Scotland Better’, the Smith Commission 2014 and Devo-Max Scottish Parliament?
Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: Issues of Governance such as the Union, the Scottish Office, Accountability/Legitimacy and the decline of Conservative Unionism. It also covers the Rise of Nationalism, the Growth of the SNP and the Unionist Responses from the Conservative and Labour Parties, examines the bringing about of devolution such as the 1st Attempt in 1979 – the campaign and result, the ‘Thatcher Factor, the Constitutional Convention, 2nd Attempt in 1997– the campaign and result and the 2014 Independence Referendum.
Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: Church and State in Post-Partition Ireland, Church and State in Post-Partition Ireland: Education, 1922 Constitution, 1937 Constitution, the Irish Constitution 2004 and Protestant Minority.
Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: Indicators of Religiosity in Northern Ireland, Religion and the Conflict in Northern Ireland and Anti-Catholicism.
Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: What is Evangelicalism? The Traditional View: Paisley and the Orange Order and The Revisionist View: Pragmatic Evangelical Politics.
Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: Faith-Based Peace building, Local Churches and Peace Building, The Journey Towards Reconciliation by John Paul Lederach, Early Ecumenical Communities, Peace line Ecumenical Communities, West Belfast Peace Line, Definition of a Peace Line Ecumenical Community, Aims of Ecumenical Communities and Stages of their Work.
Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: Second World War, The Origins of the Cold War, Selected Major Events During the Cold War, The End of the Cold War and IR Theory and the Cold War.
A Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: What does ‘European integration’ mean? European Integration Today, Victor Hugo, Richard N. Graf Coudenhove-Kalergi, Aristide Briand, The Idea of European Integration in Nazi Germany, The Idea of European Integration during WWII, White Rose: ‘Appeal to all Germans’ and Winston S. Churchill.
A Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: ‘One of the Most pro-European Countries in the Union.’ Historical Background: Italy’s Fascist Legacy and Europe, Italy and the European Coal and Steel Community, Italy and the European Economic Community and the European Union, The Berlusconi Government of: anti-European Sentiments and The Positions of Italy’s Political Parties on Europe. Ideal for Politics, Citizenship and History.
Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: ‘One must genuinely create Europe.’ (Jean Monnet, 1950, What is a Collective Identity? Symbols of Europe / Europeaness (flag, anthem, Europe Day, the Euro) and European Identity and European Citizenship.
Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: The Old European Narrative, The ‘New Narrative for Europe’, A New Settlement for Britain in Europe, Britain's Vote To Leave – Disintegration of Europe?and The Future of European Integration.
Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: the Westminster Model in Context, Westminster Model Under Challenge? and Theories of the State as well as their Application to UK Political Institutions.
Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: Responses to the Collapse of Devolved Power Sharing in 1974, British Government Policy after the Collapse of Devolution, Rolling Devolution 1982-86, The Climax of the Movement away from Devolved Power Sharing: the 1985 Anglo-Irish Agreement, Anglo-Irish Agreement 1985: Unionist Perspectives, Anglo-Irish Agreement 1985: non-Unionist Perspectives, the Climax of the Movement away from Devolved Power Sharing: the 1985 Anglo-Irish Agreement, Anglo-Irish Agreement 1985: Unionist Perspectives, Anglo-Irish Agreement 1985: non-Unionist Perspectives, Rolling Devolution 1982-86, the Road to the Good Friday Agreement and Devolution, the Good Friday Agreement 1998,The Referenda on the Good Friday Agreement May 1998, Voting by Religion in the 1998 Good Friday Agreement Referendum in Northern Ireland, Elections to the Northern Ireland Assembly, June 1998: Unionists, Elections to the Northern Ireland Assembly, June 1998: Nationalist and ‘Other’ Parties (all pro-Agreement), the Executive and Assembly Committees and Issues with the GFA.
Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: How has it arisen and what is it? the McKay Commission, English Devolution Options, the Northern Powerhouse, 2017 Elected Mayors and Other Issues: Cornwall and Yorkshire.
Comprehensive Presentations that Cover: the Process of Devolution in the United Kingdom, How Power has Decentralised from Westminster and Transitioned to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, the English Question as well as the Post-Devolutionary Environment such as the Rise of the SNP, the Story of Welsh Nationalism which Differs from Scotland, the Continued Devolution of Further Powers, the Changing Political Makeup of the Devolved Institutions and the Divergence in Decision Making. Extensive Coverage of the Northern Ireland Process from 1920 up to present day.
Comprehensive Presentations that Covers: Introduction to European Integration, Britain in Europe, Spain in Europe, Italy in Europe, Germany in Europe, France in Europe, European Identity, The Institutions of the EU, The Project of European Integration since 1945 and Future of European Integration.
Comprehensive Presentations that Cover: The Welfare State in America I, The Welfare State in America II, The Welfare State in Britain, Comparing Welfare States and Welfare Regimes/ Models, The Welfare State in Transition, The Welfare State and the European Union, The Welfare State in Germany I, The Welfare State in Scandinavia, The Welfare State in Sweden and The Welfare State in Germany II.